Meet Doug & Davey, two rescue kittens looking for a forever home

Family member names Elisa, Steve, Matthew, Aleksandr, and Luca Szczepankiewicz

Type of Breed Feline – Unknown

PET’S NAME Doug and Davey


PET’s AGE nine months old

Where/why did you get your pet?

Doug and Davey were found as very young kittens. They were both in pretty bad shape; eye infections, were underweight, and there was no sign of mom or other siblings. They were brought under the care of Summit Animal Rescue Association (SARA) and we were able to foster them from about four weeks old. We have never fostered kittens before but felt that we could take really good care of such vulnerable animals and get them healthy and ready for their permanent home.

Anything special or unusual about your pet?

You can tell that Davey, the smallest one, is blind. Unfortunately, his eyes did not recover well from infections. The natural reaction is to feel pity but we can honestly say we are in awe of his perseverance and skill in getting around. Blind cats, especially ones who have known no different, have amazing hearing, their whiskers are insane and they have no difficulty mapping your home, climbing, or playing! Doug has one scarred eye but sees very well out the other. He is much bigger than his brother, but they are absolutely best friends. They wrestle and sleep together.

Any funny stories?

Davey has a thing for anything crinkly and he can hear a yogurt opening from a mile away! He likes to lick the top of the foil! He’s a master at chasing fuzzy balls across the floor and even plays on the stairs! Doug is a fan of laundry and will sit in laundry bags and go for a ride to the washer! He loves jumping at feather wands and makes that cute chatter at birds outside the window!

What do you like best about your pet?

They are just brilliant and have grown and flourished over the months. They are curious, sweet-natured, and have adjusted so well to our home. They are fun and bring us so much joy.

How has the pet enriched your life?

It’s easy to overlook people or animals that are not ‘perfect’. We have learned so much about caring for small kittens who have health issues. We have seen how they have thrived in our care and little Davey in particular has shown us how resilient he is. Compassion for people and animals is so important and looking after these two is a wonderful experience. They will be available for adoption as soon as Davey is medically cleared. He is undergoing corrective eye surgery as I write. We know whoever is lucky enough to adopt them will have two amazing cats!

If you have an interest in adopting this dynamic duo, please send inquiries to Julia at

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