Local Business

Your name: Ally Amenta

Business: Moss and Canvas

Email: mossandcanvas@gmail.com

Congratulations on your business!  How is it going? Tell us a bit about it.

Thank you very much! As an artist I’m always looking for new mediums and techniques to experiment with. I was inspired to make pieces of moss art as holiday gifts last year, and it unlocked an unexpected passion. My aim for Moss and Canvas is to explore the lush textures and patterns of moss while integrating organic materials like dried flowers, lichens, and even wood mushrooms! The composition of each piece is one-of-a-kind, with an interesting and unusual twist. The pieces require no maintenance, and with care they will last for decades.

Please tell us a bit about yourself.

My husband and I (and our dog, Jazz) are so excited to be new residents of Cranford! We relocated to New Jersey from Nashville, TN. I studied education at Saint Joseph’s University, and I’m proud to be entering my 13th year of teaching middle school math.

I grew up in Montgomeryville, PA, and art was always part of my life. My parents encouraged my creativity – my mom would decorate with my painted rocks and seashells, and my dad would take me for drives to visit galleries and art museums.

How do you juggle your time with being a very busy teacher, and ramping up this wonderful new business?

I am constantly visualizing ideas for my art, so it’s second nature for me to dedicate time each week to my creative process. I treat working on my art like a workout or meditation- it’s part of my self-care routine and it helps me be more present in other areas of my life.

How can our readers learn more about your art pieces and perhaps make a purchase? Walk us through the process.

I detail my process, from sourcing materials to wrapping and shipping completed pieces, on my Instagram page, @moss_and_canvas, and my Etsy shop is updated frequently as new pieces are completed. To view available work, visit www.etsy.com/shop/mossandcanvas and please send me a message to say hi! I will also be showing pieces in person at the Asbury Fresh Holiday Market this upcoming season. I would be thrilled to see you there! More information will be posted on my Instagram. You can also email me at mossandcanvas@gmail.com so we can discuss an idea you have for a custom piece of any size and color scheme!

As a business owner, please tell us how others can learn from your commitment and inspiration?  

Starting Moss and Canvas was a vulnerable leap — it can be tough to expose your work to an audience. I would be so honored if Moss and Canvas encouraged others to dive into a new project or idea, even if it seems unusual! Sharing your art is an amazing way to feel more connected with your community because you bring to light parts of yourself that add beauty to the world.

Anything else we missed?

Moss and Canvas is just starting out, but I have big plans! My goal is to one day expand my offerings to include full-sized organic murals and statement pieces for local businesses and residences. Moss art is a fabulous way to integrate a lush botanical feel with zero-maintenance. I can imagine moss walls as work-from-home Zoom backgrounds, in nurseries or bedrooms, as wedding decor- there are so many possibilities!

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